Stress Management

Stress Management

Stress Management

Managing stress doesn’t have to feel like just another thing to do or focus on, it can be really simple.

Try some of the following strategies to see how you can dissipate some of the stress from your life:

  • Achieve a healthy work-life balance as much as possible, take lunch away from technology in a calm environment

  • Ask others to help with chores (working bees etc) or to assist in solving a problem

  • Spend social time with friends and family who contribute to filling your cup

  • Make time for things that you enjoy, such as a walking in nature, time with animals, doing hobbies etc

  • Develop good sleeping habits – AKA ‘sleep hygiene’, including not using electronic devices in the bedroom for at least 30min – 1hour prior to sleep

  • Keep a journal - writing things down can de-clutter our mind and create a calmer environment. Journal writing has been proven to be very therapeutic

  • Learn how to say no if you’re someone that is constantly busy (that’s most of us these days), and don’t feel guilty!! - you have more to give when you’re rested

  • Participate in activities that focus on relaxation, such as deep belly breathing, yoga, and magnesium chloride salt baths (at least 1x per week)

  • Engage in positive self-talk, if you have never used positive affirmations or a mantra try it! No-one will even know, say it to yourself

  • Follow a healthful diet that is high in veggies, whole foods, and low GI fruits (things that won’t spike your blood sugar)

  • Exercise regularly (without ‘over-exercising’), a sure way to increase those feel good hormones

  • Have a hot shower or a healthy ‘end of day ritual’ to wash away your day

**The busier we become and the more ‘stress’ we’re under (the body perceives many things as stress, even when we don’t – e.g. intense exercise, working big days, continuous busyness with a lack of ‘down-time’) the more our body becomes imbalanced.

Megan Pearce